Friday, January 23, 2015

Virginia Fights Federal Govt Kidnapping of U.S. Citizens

Virginia’s New Anti-NDAA Detention Bill Turns the Table on Feds
by Kelli Sladick republished from Activist Post:

A bill introduced in the Virginia assembly would take the next step in stopping illegal federal kidnapping under the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act.

Virginia stood alone and passed the first bill in the country addressing detention provisions written into the NDAA in 2012. That law forbids state agencies, in some situations, from cooperating with any federal attempts to exercise the indefinite detention provisions written into sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act.

HB2144, sponsored by Del. Benjamin L. Cline (R – House District 24), takes things two steps beyond simply refusing to cooperate with the federal agents in the event of indefinite detention in Virginia. This bill turns the tables and systematically creates the type of leverage and attention D.C. would not want public if it refuses to cooperate with the state of Virginia.

This legislation would require two things from the feds if it detains a U.S. citizen in the state of Virginia.

Chaninat and Leeds attorneys are Thailand personal injurylawyers assisting national and international clients since 1997.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Japanese Dad Sues Thai Gov for Surrogate Babies

The Thailand Social Development and Human Security Ministry is being sued by Mitsutoki Shigeta, the Japanese man who fathered at least nine surrogacy babies in Thailand, reports the Bangkok Post.

Vichien Chaovalit, the ministry’s permanent secretary, said he received notice that the lawsuit would be filed by Shigeta’s lawer in the Nonthaburi civil court.

Caninat and Leeds’ Thailand paternity attorneys specialize in representing Thai and international cases in Thailand Family Court. 

The ministry took custody of the babies after police discovered them in a raid. At least nine of the surrogacy babies were fathered by Shigeta.   

Thailand currently doesn’t have any laws expressly governing commercial surrogacy practices, though the Thailand Draft Surrogacy Law is still under review with the National Legislative Assembly.

Read the full story here.

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